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Access literature and forms to help manage your education savings needs.

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Employer group form

Complete this form if you are a financial professional helping a client establish 529 as an employer benefit. 


Agent certification form

If you are an agent pursuant to a power of attorney document, and you would like to be added as an agent to 529 account(s), please complete this agent certification form. 


Agent authorization/power of attorney

Complete this form to designate an individual, corporation, or other entity as your agent with limited or complete authority to act on your Scholar’s Edge account(s). 


Scholar’s Edge 529 birthday certificate

Celebrate another year older with a gift they won’t outgrow. 


Scholar’s Edge 529 new baby certificate

Celebrate a new arrival with a focus on their future. 


Scholar’s Edge 529 graduation certificate

Celebrate their future with a gift toward their future. 


Scholar’s Edge 529 holiday certificate

Celebrate the holidays with the gift that keeps giving. 


Scholar’s Edge 529 customizable certificate

This customizable certificate provides the gift of education savings for any occasion. 


How do 529 plans work?

Watch to learn the basics of how 529 plans work, and how saving early can help. 


Asset TV masterclass: 529 plans

Watch our 529 expert discuss the benefits and uses of a 529 plan.


Asset TV news feature: Scholar’s Edge 529 Plan

Watch the Asset TV feature on Scholar’s Edge.


Scholar’s Edge 529 Holiday

Holiday video 2024.